Our beautiful neighborhood garden at 1022 E Garfield St.
ASU Preparatory Academy
asuprep.asu.edu – 735 E Fillmore St., 85006 Chartered K-12 school.
Garfield Elementary School
phxschools.org/garfield – 811 N 13th. St, 85006 City of Phoenix public elementary school. The Garfield Grizzlies.
Quality Food Market
621 N. 14th St., 85006 A neighborhood convenience store.
Foodway Market
1151 E Moreland St., 85006 Neighborhood convenience store.
Mural: Diamond St & 13th St
Mural on the North side of Diamond St., just East of 13th St.
Mural: 14th St & Pierce
West side of 14th St just north of Pierce St.
Mural: 14th St & Fillmore
Mural on the East side of 14th St, just north of Fillmore St.
Mural: Alley W of 11th St, Taylor & Fillmore
Mural on the south side of the alley west of 11th St, between Taylor and Fillmore.
Garfield Rising
Steel sculpture of a Phoenix watches over Garfield.